January 21, 2021
All of us at Devine Mulvey Longabaugh congratulate President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on their Inauguration yesterday.
Working on the Biden Harris-DNC campaign was a great honor, and we are very proud of the three dozen ads and videos we produced for and in support of the campaign.
We were thrilled to produce four videos for the Convention including; the Biden Family Introduction Video, the Harris Family Introduction Video, Rising to the Challenge on the Climate Crisis, and the Convention kickoff video, The Rising with soundtrack by Bruce Springsteen.
After a tumultuous start to the new year, we quote Springsteen’s timely lyrics:
Left the house this morning
Bells ringing filled the air
Wearin’ the cross of my calling
On wheels of fire I come rollin’ down here
We wish you all a safe and happy new year, and we wish President Biden and the new administration the very best.